qwq77389946 发表于 2011-7-9 05:58:27


以前注册的时候乱打的邮箱跟安全码 然后建了战队 我现在想解散战队呀0.0可是安全码神马的都不知道 该怎么办 跪求高人给个办法~!

九零 发表于 2011-7-9 06:00:16


棍子 发表于 2011-7-9 06:01:34


名字越短就越叼 发表于 2011-7-9 06:01:42


plc90 发表于 2011-7-9 06:02:18


棍子 发表于 2011-7-9 06:04:22


.R. 发表于 2011-7-9 06:28:34

恩 以前一个想加我们战队的朋友也是这样
试了各种方法 都不行 Z8上面有个找回账号的表格
10.Can players and clan leaders leave a clan at any time?
• All clan members have the option to leave a clan at any time. If the leader of a clan leaves, then clan ownership/management will be automatically transferred to that clan’s lieutenant that has the highest clan point contribution.

11.If a clan leader is AFK or Banned for a long period of time can the leadership be transferred?
• A clan leader who is away from the game and has not logged in after 60 days will no longer be considered an active Clan Leader. At this point the clan lieutenants, or highest ranking member if no lieutenants are in the clan, may then contact us, we will attempt to contact the leader through a support ticket to confirm they have quit. If no response has been give within 7 days then leadership can then be transferred to the highest ranking lieutenant. In the event that the clan leader is banned, then after 60 days the clan lieutenants, or highest ranking member in clans without lieutenants, may contact us to have the leadership transferred to the highest ranking lieutenant. In either case this can only be done after at least 60 days of the clan leader having quit or being banned.

我试着帮你去找上次我找的那个表格 但是怎么都找不到
好像是一个有很多问题的表格 你只要回答出其中两项 就可以找回

达达 发表于 2011-7-9 06:42:29

楼主 你就一辈子守护在你讷可爱又可悲的战队把。。

棍子 发表于 2011-7-9 07:55:26


7xD 发表于 2011-7-9 09:24:57

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 没有邮箱跟安全码可以解散战队吗~~